Mark's Blog

Well, there's nothing more important these days than a web presence, so here's mine. (Or at least one of them!)

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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States

I have been a reference librarian in Greensboro for 38 years, an Ultimate Frisbee player for almost 43 years, and a collector (of diverse sorts of things, including stamps, triceratopses (sp?), frisbees and books) for most of my life. And I have been a husband for over 12 incredibly happy years.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A porpourri of topics . . .

First, TWITTER. I am now "on Twitter" and boy does it feel . . . . like NOT being on Twitter. What is one supposed to do with a tweet like hey... ? How does this build my connectivity to anything?? I admit I don't know. And when I get tweets that are conversations between two people, it is impossible to reconstruct any of it!! Arrrggh! (I am SO too old for this . . . I am tempted to begin every one of my tweets "I am interrupting my work day to say . . . " )

Second, STATISTICS. I truly do grow tired of some of the statistics I hear these days. Stats like "The Lakers are 14-2 when playing against a coach with a mustache in the Central Time zone" or "Over the last five years, the Green Bay Packers are only 5-7 against teams from cities with more than eight letters".

I have discovered a couple of amazing statistics:
1) From 1998 through 2008, the New York Yankees are 1074-0 when holding their opponents to fewer runs than they scored. That is a tremendous streak indeed!!
2) In 2000 alone, the five teams in the Eastern Division of the NFL's American Conference were an incredible 43-0 when scoring more points than their opposition!

Why are we not being told about these incredible streaks ?!?!


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